§1 General regulations
- The manager of the Facility is MANA LAKE Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Lawica 64-410, ul. Lawica 64.
- The words contained in the Regulations mean:
- FACILITY – Mana Lake Resort, where the rented Houses are located,
- GUEST – A person renting a House in Mana Lake,
- RECEPTION – INFO POINT located in the Resort,
- RESIDENCE CARD – a card with data of persons staying in the House during their stay in the Resort,
- ADDITIONAL FEES – fees charged during the Guest’s stay at the Resort.
- These regulations, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”, define the rules for the provision of services, liability and staying in the Mana Lake Resort, hereinafter referred to as the “Resort” or “Facility” and are an integral part of the Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, which is concluded by making reservation, advance payment or the entire amount due for the stay in the Facility. By performing the activities referred to in the previous sentence, the Guest confirms that he has read the Regulations and accepts the conditions contained therein.
- The Regulations are available at the Reception Desk, in the Houses and on the website www.manalake.pl.
§ 2 Check in & Check out time
- Living rooms in the Facility, hereinafter referred to as “Houses”, are rented for 24-hour stays.
- The duration of your stay is from 16:00 to 11:00 the next day.
- It is possible to extend the your stay by submitting such a request to the Reception Desk as soon as possible, but no later than 16:00 on the day preceding the end of the stay. A request for an extension of the day may be considered subject to the availability of the Houses. The property reserves the right to refuse late check-out in the event of unavailability. Extending the stay day may incur an additional fee. Detailed information is available from the Mana Lake Reception.
- The Guest should leave the rented House taking your luggage and other personal belongings by the allocated time. In the event of failure to comply with the above, it is considered that the Guest has extended the stay for another day and will be charged an additional fee in accordance with the price list.
§ 3 Reservation
- Reservations can be made via the website www.manalake.pl, via portals cooperating with the Facility, by phone or in person at the Facility Reception.
- After making a reservation via the website www.manalake.pl or by phone, the Guest will receive a booking confirmation via an e-mail with payment details and the Regulations of the Facility.
- Until the advance payment is made, the reservation is treated as a preliminary reservation. The condition for confirming the reservation is an advance payment for the stay in the Resort, in the amount of 50% of the total amount due, within 48 hours from the date of booking. The remaining balance and other services of the Resort (fee for an animal or additional services) should be made no later than 72 hours before the Guest’s arrival. If the advance payment is not recorded in the bank account of MANA LAKE Sp. z o. o. within the specified period, the initial reservation is cancelled.
- In the case of making a last-minute reservation (less than 7 days before arrival), the Guest is obliged to pay the full amount for the stay on the day of making the reservation and send a confirmation of payment. Lack of payment of the full amount within 24 hours from the date of booking will result in a cancellation.
- If the Guest makes an advance payment (50% of the full amount due) and fails to make the full payment within the period referred to in point 3 or 4 above, the amount of the advance payment is settled in accordance with the rules set out in point 7.
- After the amount is credited to the indicated bank account, the Guest receives a final reservation confirmation by e-mail.
- In the event of cancellation of the reservation or failure to pay the full amount of the reservation by the Guest:
- up to 30 days before the start of the stay – the Resort returns the amount equal to the advance payment,
- 29 – 14 days before the start of the stay – 50% of the advance payment is returned,
- less than 14 days before the planned start of the stay or if the Guest does not show up on the check in date, the funds are not refunded.
- The above refund rules do not apply to special offers, promotions and reservations made otherwise than via the website www.manalake.pl or by phone.
§ 4 Accommodation
- Each guest staying at the Resort is required to check in at the Mana Lake Reception Desk (INFO POINT).
- The reason for registering a Guest is presenting the Reception employee with a photo identification of the person who made the reservation (or for whom the reservation was made) together with accompanying persons and signing the Residence Card. In the event this is not presented, the reception employee may refuse to provide the House.
- The Guest may not make the House available to third parties not indicated in the Residence Card, even if the period for which he paid the due fee for the stay has not expired.
- Persons not registered in the Resort may stay as guests only with the consent of the Reception Desk.
- The presence of unregistered persons in the Resort after 22:00 is tantamount to the Guest’s consent to the accommodation of these persons for a fee in the House rented by the Guest. Each person will be accommodated according to the Resort’s price list and will be at least twice the amount calculated on the basis of the price for one person in a given house or the Resort has the right to impose a penalty on the Guest specified in § 5 point 5.
- If the Guest leaves the Facility earlier than the date resulting from the reservation, the difference in the cost of stay is not refunded.
§ 5 Payments/Fees
- For the rental of the House, the Resort charges fees specified in the price list on the website www.manalake.pl. and on websites cooperating with the Reservation Services Centre. Prices shown include VAT.
- Mana Lake reserves the right to change prices in selected periods.
- The prices indicated on the Resort’s website may differ from the prices indicated on the booking websites.
- Fees are charged for one House and for one day of stay, with the following for Houses:
- with two bedrooms (Houses Nature, Yoga, Run), 4 people can be accommodated,
- with three bedrooms (Houses Harmony, Silence, Canoe, Pilates, Swim) can accommodate 6 – 7 people,
- with four bedrooms (Nordic Houses, MTB), 8 people can be accommodated.
- No additional people can stay in the rented House than the number reported at the booking stage or stated on the Residence Card, and as set out above the maximum number of people provided for one House (section 4). Non adherence to this will result in a penalty of PLN 2,000 (in words: two thousand zlotys).
- When making reservations, the Center reserves the right to pre-authorize a credit card or collect a cash deposit in the amount due for the entire stay.
- The Facility has the option of individually agreeing the amount of fees with the Guest on terms other than those specified above. The property may also apply selected promotions or discounts to all or specific groups of guests.
- Additional charges resulting from the stay (additional fees) should be settled when purchasing additional services.
- The fee for an animal’s stay in the house is PLN 50 (in words: fifty zlotys) per day. This fee should be paid together with the residence fee.
- All utilities (water, electricity, heating) are included in the cost of the stay, assuming an average consumption proportional to the given House.
- At the Guest’s request, Mana Lake issues a VAT invoice documenting the stay. The document can be issued up to 7 days after the end of the stay, however, you must request the invoice to be issued no later than on the day of full payment for the stay; in the absence of it, it will not be possible to issue a VAT invoice. The issued invoice will be sent electronically to the e-mail address indicated by the Guest.
§ 6 Principles of parking vehicles
- Parking is possible only in parking spaces designated for this purpose in front of each of the rented Houses. Parking outside the designated areas is prohibited and may result in a fine being imposed by the Municipal or Forest Guard. The car park on the premises of the Resort is not a guarded car park.
- The resort is not responsible for damage, loss of guests’ vehicles and for property left in vehicles.
§ 7 Rules of stay for children and youth
- Children and teenagers under the age of 18 should be in the Resort under the constant supervision of legal guardians. Legal guardians are financially liable for any damage caused by children and youth.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs by children and adolescents under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited in the Resort.
- Caregivers bear full responsibility for the persons under their care both in the Resort and outside it.
§ 8 Rules of stying animals
- The stay of animals in the Center is payable, in accordance with the provisions contained in § 5 point 9 of the Regulations.
- The guardian of the animal is obliged to provide the animal with its own lair and regularly clean up after the animal in and outside the resort.
- An animal staying at the Mana Lake resort is obliged to stay in the area belonging to a specific House, and outside it only on a leash and under the constant care of the Owner.
- The animal’s keeper bears full financial responsibility for any damage caused by the animal.
- Keepers bear full responsibility for the animal under their care both inside and outside the Resort.
§ 9 Responsibility of the center
- The Center provides:
- conditions for a safe stay and rest, in accordance with the offered standard,
- protection of personal data,
- professional service in the scope of services provided,
- performing the necessary repairs of the equipment of the House in the Resort during the Guest’s absence, with their consent,
- cleaning the House before the Guests’ stay.
- The resort is not responsible for:
- consequences of sudden atmospheric phenomena (including lack of water and electricity) and for damage to the property of Guests caused by these phenomena,
- theft, damage or destruction of the Guests’ property, money, securities, valuables and items of scientific or artistic value left in the House,
- items left by Guests on the premises of the Resort during the stay of Guests and after leaving the Facility,
- damage to the property and personal injury of the Guest caused by the Guest’s failure to comply with the provisions contained in the Regulations, as a result of failure to comply with fire regulations and failure to maintain appropriate security measures.
- Return of items left behind:
- any items left by the Guest in the House or on the premises of the Resort may be sent back at the Guest’s request and expense, sent electronically to the indicated address,
- in the absence of instructions to send back the items left, they will be stored at the Guest’s expense for a period of 1 month, and then they will be disposed of in accordance with the law.
§ 10 Guest’s responsibility
- Upon registration at the Resort, the Guest becomes the person materially responsible for the items put into use (located inside and outside the House). Immediately after the start of your stay, please check the actual equipment of the House located in the Mana Lake folder and report any shortages or faults to the Facility Staff.
- The Guest bears full financial responsibility for any damage caused by the Guest in the House or in the Resort, in particular for any damage or destruction of the equipment and technical devices of the House and the Resort, resulting from the actions of the Guest or people visiting.
- Upon the occurrence of any faults or damages, the Guest is obliged to inform the Staff of the Resort about their occurrence.
- Check-out: Before leaving, Guests are required to hand over the rented House to the staff. The opinion of the House consists in reviewing the rooms by the staff and checking the amount of equipment used in the state of the House. In the event of any shortages or damages, the staff will calculate the amount of compensation.
- Check-out without giving the House: if the Guests leave the House without handing it over to the staff, the staff has the right to inspect the House on their own, and in the event of damage or deficiencies, make photographic documentation and write down the deficiencies and defects and present the documentation to the Guest within 5 days from the date of leaving the House.
- Payment of compensation for the damage caused as described in § 4 and § 5 should take place on the day of the Guest’s departure, but not later than within 7 days from the date of departure/receipt of the documentation referred to in point 5 above. The resort reserves the right to charge the Guest for damages caused by him by adding the costs of their removal to the bill and to charge the Guest’s credit card in the event of failure to pay the amount due within the time limit referred to above. In the absence of the Guest’s card details, the Resort has the right to sue the Guest in court for financial compensation for damage or destruction.
- The Guest is obliged to keep the House in order and return the House in the same condition from the commencement of the stay. In the event of significant contamination of the House, apart from normal use resulting from its operation, the Guest will be charged with the costs of cleaning the House in the amount of PLN 500 (in words: five hundred zlotys), based on a debit note.
- Guests are also obliged to take care of and protect against damage or devastation the part of the infrastructure intended for common use.
- When using outdoor umbrellas, Guests are obliged to fold them when the weather conditions (wind, rain, etc.) are unfavorable and may cause damage to it. The Guest is responsible for damage to umbrellas resulting from improper use.
- Guests are not allowed to make any changes to the Houses and their equipment.
- For safety reasons, when leaving the House, the Guest is obliged to turn off electrical and electronic devices, turn off the lighting, turn off the taps and close the windows and doors.
- Guests using the grill are obliged to clean up the waste left after grilling on their own. Before using the grill for the first time, guests are required to ask the staff to turn on the equipment and ask for instruction on how to operate it. Guests are forbidden to carry the grill equipment outside the indicated place – in particular to the terraces of the House.
- Due to fire safety, it is forbidden to use irons, heaters and other electrical devices that are not part of the Houses equipment in the Houses. The ban does not apply to chargers and power supplies for RTV and computer devices.
- The following applies in the Resort:
- a categorical ban on the storage of dangerous goods, in particular weapons and ammunition, flammable, explosive and illumination materials. It is also forbidden to light pyrotechnic materials (including fireworks, fireworks, flares, flares, firecrackers and others) and to light an open fire. Violation of these rules will be subject to a penalty in the amount of PLN 1,000 (in words: one thousand zlotys) for each violation;
- a ban on smoking tobacco and tobacco products, with the exception of designated areas. Violation of this rule will be subject to a fine of PLN 500 (in words: five hundred zlotys) for each violation found. It is permitted to smoke tobacco and tobacco products only outside the Houses,
- a complete ban on the possession and use of illicit drugs. Violation of this ban will be reported to the Police, and the Guest will be charged a fine of PLN 1,000 (say: one thousand zlotys) and will be obliged to leave the Resort without the right to reimbursement of costs resulting from early departure,
- a ban on throwing bulk or large-format waste on the premises of the Resort and outside it. Failure to comply will result in a penalty of PLN 1,000 (in words: one thousand zlotys).
- In the event of activation of the fire protection system without a justified reason and the arrival of the Fire Brigade, the Guest will be charged with the costs of the Fire Brigade’s intervention and charged with a penalty of PLN 1,000 (in words: one thousand zlotys) for each incident.
- It is forbidden to emit unpleasant odors and behave in a way that may disturb other guests of the Resort.
- Due to the silence zone in force in the area surrounding the Resort, it is forbidden to make noise in the Resort (including listening to loud music, etc.) and to organize loud events.
- For the sake of the comfort of guests, curfew applies at the Resort from 22:00 to 07:00. During the quiet hours, you should behave in such a way as not to disturb the peace of other guests.
- In the event of a breach of the provisions of the Regulations, the Facility may refuse to continue providing services to the Guest who violates them, without the obligation to return the amount paid for the stay. The Guest is obliged to immediately comply with the requests of the Facility, settle the amount due for the services provided so far, pay for any damages and immediately leave the premises of the Facility.
§ 11 Personal data
- The Guest agrees to the storage and processing of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of May 10, 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000, as amended) and the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC).
- At the same time, the Resort informs the Guest that:
- the administrator of the Guest’s personal data is Mana Lake sp. z o.o., based in Ławica,
- The Guest has the right to access their personal data and the right to rectify, delete or limit processing, the right to transfer data and the right to object to their processing,
- The Guest has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority when they consider that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of generally applicable law,
- providing data is voluntary, but it is a condition for making and confirming the reservation,
- the personal data referred to above may be made available to third parties only if the Resort is entitled or obliged to do so under the law,
- detailed information on data processing is included in the Mana Lake Data Protection Policy.
§ 12 Additional provisions
- The first aid kit is located at the reception desk of the Resort.
- It is forbidden to conduct acquisitions and direct sales on the premises of the Resort.
- Mana Lake bears no legal and civil liability for claims in the event of accidents, bodily injury or death of Guests or third parties in the Houses during the Guest’s stay. Mana Lake [consider further; staff, directors etc] is fully exempt from such liability.
- Any complaints regarding the stay at the Resort should be submitted immediately after noticing the incidents in the standard of services provided and directed to the e-mail address: recepcja@manalake.pl.
- The court to settle disputes between the Guest and the Resort is the common court competent for the registered office of the Facility Manager.
- Mana Lake reserves the right to change the provisions contained in the Regulations at any time. For Agreements concluded before the amendment to the Regulations, the Regulations in the version applicable at the time of conclusion of the Agreement shall apply.